Monday was a big festival in Hungary nobody works

Dear Sister Whitaker, You are hearby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Hungary Budapest Mission. It is anticipated that you will serve for a period of 18 months. You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, March 19, 2014. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Hungarian language.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
about last week's béna email. My companion and I were just like way
sick and I didn't feel like writing anything about our week because we
literally just stayed in bed and just about died. I almost took a
picture of us laying in our beds, just to send that. Totally different subject but sad story. I think I told ya'll a few weeks ago how Sister Layton and I literally saw a car get hit by another car, causing it to flip over, right in front of our eyes. That was tramatic. Then we were in Új Szeged last week, tracting, and we saw a car get hit, while backing out of the driveway, onto a main road. It wasn't as bad as the first accident. We were saying to each other, "geez, how many accidents are we going to see while serving in Szeged together?" We definitely didn't want to see anymore! But then Monday morning we go on a run with the Elders, and we're running one of our usual routes and we see a car accident, although it already happened before we got there. We're just running past it and all of a sudden I look over and I see this black bag on the ground, I had to do a double take because at first I thought I was just seeing stuff. I said to myself, "hmm, why is that bag in a shape of a body," but then I ended up saying something to the rest of the crew and we all came to the conclusion that it was definitely a body bag, with a real body in it. Oh my tragic! Why do we see all of this? I feel like, well... I don't even know... I don't want to see things like that anymore! I don't even know why I included that in this email. Sorry 'bout that!
On a more positive note, okay.... not so positve. We lost the other companionship of elders this week. They both ended up going to Pest, so now there are just four of us down here in Szeged, but I became the "official, unofficial district lord" That's fun, so now I lead district meetings, with zero authority... haha. We had a really fun district meeting the other day though, as we just sat around a table. Each of us giving a twenty minute training about any subject we wanted, while somehow relating it to recognizing the spirit. I talked about obedience and how important it is to be obedient so the spirit can be with you. It's way important. Haha, I promise, my training was better than that, but well yeah... we all had a really good time!
after Angol Óra we scheduled a találkozás with TG and his dad. TG is
the teenager who we meet with, who has read the Book of Mormon, faster
than I ever have. He would really like to be baptized, but his dad wants
him to experience things more "worldy" things before TG makes such a
big decision in his life. We thought it would be good, at least, for TG
and his dad to meet with the Branch President. We scheduled that meeting
and it was a little.... awkward.... and we hope that we didn't upset
TG's dad but we really meant for it to just be a "get to know you" type
deal, but it kind of backfired, but hopefully everything will turn out
well with that.
I'm super sorry this email was ALL OVER! But this was my week, and next
week is TRANFERS. it will be a waaaay sad week, but all is well!
I love you all so much!! xoxox
Whitaker Nővér
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Wednesday, May 13, 2015
We went up to Budapest this week for our quarterly interviews with
Pres. The three hour train ride, ended up taking five and a half hours
due to...well...we still don't know. The ride up there was just soooo
long! We finally got up there, completed our interviews and jumped on
the next train back home. Luckily, we didn't have another five hour
travel, but this one was just the normal three hours (although it seemed
like it was five minutes, compared to our travel up there).
the end of the day, Sister Layton and I were just done being on trains!
We took a few pictures to express our feelings about Hungarian
Transportation that day. Enjoy!
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

these weeks don't get any easier. I feel like I've talked about how
hard my week has been for the past four weeks, because well it has been.
This week wasn't too eventful. Monday, after emailing, we went out to TG's house and his mom taught all of us missionaries how to make Lángos. That was lots of fun! It's really not that hard, but it was fun to learn how to make something new, even though with all the oil and butter they use to make it, it's probably not the healthiest thing and we probably won't be making it at our house, but maybe later in the future.
Tuesday morning, Sister Layton and I went on a run but Sister Layton got injured during the run which made walking painful for her so we tried to take it a little slower this week so the injury wouldn't become worse.
Michaela Whitaker | |||
Monday, May 4, 2015

these weeks just keep passing by. Unfortunantly, I can't control the
passing of time so I guess I will just keep singing and working. What
else can ya do, really? It's okay, I enjoy my call as a missionary and I
only have five months left so I mise well use the time to my advantage.
This week... was hard. I guess I said the same thing
about last week, but I feel like this one was harder than last week, but
Sister Layton and I decided that the reason why these last couple of
weeks were so hard is because good things are going to happen next week.
It only makes sense to me that Satan would throw roadblocks in our way
to make us think that we can't go on (many times we thought this last
week) so that we would give up and not obtain the sweet reward that is
just within milimeters reach for us. Hmmm, I don't know if that made
sense but it sounded good in my head. Haha.
Let's see, I
don't want this to turn into a "negative, feel sorry for me" email.
Missions are hard, some harder than others, but that's the glorious
thing about missions: They're personalized for the missionary. Not
everyone had a hard time this week, but Sister Layton and I did. It was
all to help us become stronger as a companionship, and better
missionaries. In addition to that, this week my faith in God was really
tested. I saw my relationship with God get stronger and I'm thankful for
we got that text from LZ that she didn't want to continue to meet with
us. We actually saw LZ a few times this week on the street and tried to
say hi, but she didn't really give us the time of day. That hurt. It
hurt a lot. To see one of your friends who was doing so good for such a
long time and then the next day you see them and they won't even
acknowledge you. It was kind of like a pocket-knife to the foot. It
hurt, but wasn't life threatening (like the common knife to the heart
saying :P ). We usually met with LZ two times a week, but this week we
didn't meet with her at all, and it was weird to be doing something else
at those times.
I think the last time I said anything
about our baptisimal dates we were at three, RR, LZ, and SZ. Well, I
don't know if I talked much about SZ, but she had been meeting with us
for a while and she also had a baptismal date. Well Easter came and
things came up and we weren't able to meet with her for a while. She had
a few sicknesses within her family. Well we saw her a few days ago and
she wouldn't talk to us, she just kind of gave us the death glare and
walked away. We went up to talk to her, but she wasn't having it. Throw
another pocket-knife in my other foot. It was just really hard to see
the people that we love and care about so much walk away from us like we
were strangers to them. We just hope that sometime they will have a
change in heart and come back to us. All we want is just to talk to them
We met with CC this week, and well she's as
uhhh... crazy as ever. That's for sure. We taught her the Plan of
Salvation this week and she tried to tell us that Jesus Christ was
coming in 2018 and that judgement day would be in 2026. Oh boyyy, we
tried to clarify that up a little bit. I think it was successful for the
most part, but oh boy... CC. Just gotta love her. That's all I'm sayin'
about her. Especially when she comes to church and blurts out things
that aren't really supposed to be blurted out in church. Gollyyyy!
had an interesting tracting experience the other day, we literally just
jumped on some bus and took it all the way to the end and it took us
into Új Szeged but into a really rendes part and we ended up walking
around this neighbor for three hours. The first house we rang, an older
lady answered and we talked about the Book of Mormon with her and she
accepted one from us, but after that didn't have too much success as far
as let-ins go, but we still had fun. The view was nice out there.
can't write a blog email and not mention our best friend here in
Szeged. RR! Ahhhh, we looove him! He had to go to Germany a few times
this week so he didn't have a lot of time to meet. We met with him
really quickly Saturday
night, but it was only a fifteen minute, drop-by lesson, because we
were running short on time that day. Last night he sent us a little text
that asked us how we were doing. Can you say, "just what we needed?"
Life is good, things are going well. We're moving forward and this week is a brand new week.
Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers out there!!
Whitaker Nővér
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