Dear Sister Whitaker, You are hearby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Hungary Budapest Mission. It is anticipated that you will serve for a period of 18 months. You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, March 19, 2014. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Hungarian language.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Life here in Szeged, week...freak if I know... I stopped keeping track!
been such a freaking good week though!! Not going to lie, we weren't
feeling very good this week, programs fell through, I got pooped on by a
bird, our patience was tested, commitments weren't kept, I literally
got pooped on by a stupid pigeon, and some people dropped us (said that
they didn't want to meet with us anymore)....BUT Sister Layton and I
decided that we were going to have a good attitude through it all, and
all of a sudden it's our rest day, before we know it! Plus, we made the
best out of our situations! I don't think I can stress how much your
attitude affects your work, not just as a missionary, but just in
everyday life. Things are going to go wrong, but if you choose to just
push through and be happy while doing so, then it becomes so much easier
to get through hard times. Plus, if you have a great companion who will
just do stupid (but still following the missionary rules) things with
you, it just makes it all that much better! One time we met CC in the belváros to have ice cream with her and her "pár" (life partner) so we were sitting at a really popular cukrászda waiting for our ice cream to come out. All of a sudden I feel something land on my head, and I knew exactly what it was. A dumb pigeon literally pooped on my head! That's the first time that I had ever been pooped on by a bird. CC was trying to tell me that amongst Hungarians it's said that if you get pooped on by a bird, that means you'll be lucky. I didn't buy it O.o How could I believe such a thing after being POOPED on! I just wasn't buying it. I was literally freaking out, but luckily CC didn't fear of the feces and wiped it out of my hair with a napkin. Blagh, I was so over that day!
Let's see, we only met with RR once
last week, and we literally were so upset about it. He ended up
traveling a lot this week for his job and just with our schedule and his
schedule we could never set up a concret time to meet with him. Finally
on Saturday
we were able to meet with him and we didn't just meet him but we also
met with his family again. They are so dang cool! His little brother was
there and all of his kids. Can I tell you how much I love kids since
being on my mission. You just can't love these little Hungarian terrors.
No, they're not terrors, they are just great. Anyways it's always fun
with RR and his family. We hadn't met with them for a while, so we
decided to do a "follow up lesson" asking how everything was going, and
it just went so well, like usual! He also came to church, like he usual
does, this week. We are so proud of him! (: RR, best friend for lifeee!
we did a little service project for one of the members in the branch. I
think I already wrote about one other occasion that we went over to
TZ's house, well... rather his mother's house to pack up stuff. Well we
pretty much did the same thing again. Typical Hungarian Néni, collects
everything and doesn't throw anything away. It's okay though, we all
have a bit of hoarder in all of us, no? We did that for awhile, and by
the end we were just all super tired!
We've been
meeting with LZ for a while and we thought everything was going well
with that, but then today right before we came emailing we got a text
message from her saying that she doesn't want to meet with us anymore.
That was actually really sad, but she falls into uhh... what is the word
in English for them... phases or slumps, I guess. We hope that later
she will invite us in again and we can continue to teach her, but some
people just need time and we respect that.
Like I
said, this week hasn't been all hearts, flowers, and sunshine, but we've
had our parade rained on a few times, but hey, if there weren't hard
times what would our purpose be here on Earth? I teach this concept
every day of my mission and throughout my mission I've come to realize
the truth of this, and I'm super thankful that I have those days that
are hard, even though it's hard, it helps me to rely on my Heavenly
Father who loves me so much! I know he loves you too! I hope you feel
that, if you don't get on your knees until you do!
Sok Szeretettel,
Whitaker Nővér
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I just wanted to say that I went to a very nice restaurant and had TROUT. It was sooo good, I had to take a picture of it!
Chalking in the Széchenyi Tér
I drew our family tree
again! Cool stuff, no? We had the cops called on us twice because,
"there are political things on our table." Uh.. do you not see Jesus
Christ's face on this pamphlet? No cops ended up coming. We just had a
good time, that was it.
Friday, April 24, 2015
These are Gofri's... it's like a waffle with weird cream stuff on it...
Pretty much the weirdest thing ever, but we called it the "mystery of
Szeged" for the longest time, because we always saw people eating them
but never knew what they actually tasted like so we broke today and
decided to try it. They were uh.... alright.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
This is Sister Layton and I's companionship... we have this thing called
"Ugly Selfie moments." During Ugly Selfie moments we just whip out our
cameras and take the most horrifying selfies ever. I think this one is
probably one of the best ones we've taken. We were both getting off to a
slow start in the morning, as you can tell, I was doing my hair, and
brushing my teeth at the same time, and Sister Layton was just laying on
the couch waiting for her slow companion to get done getting ready.
Sister Layton called it "Ugly Selfie moment," we made the ugliest faces
and took the shot. How did we do?
Monday, April 20, 2015
friends and family! This week though! It's been an interesting one,
that's for sure! We had plenty of programs to keep us busy. They all
went really smooth. It's amazing how close you grow to people in such a
short period of time. I really feel like these people I meet everyday
are just my best friends! It makes missionary work so much more fun and
Hmmm... what can I tell you about my friends here in Szeged. Tuesday
we met with RR (the man who quite smoking and has been our most solid
investigator for weeks now), we taught him about the Sabbath Day and
keeping it holy. He's been to church three weeks in a row now so it's
safe to say that keeping the Sabbath Day holy was already on his to-do
list, but we further explained to him what it exactly means and how we
do it. The lesson went really well and he commited to keeping the
Sabbath Day Holy. We went over to RR's on Friday
again, and we brought a member, who happened to meet RR last Sunday
when he was at church last week and came up to us personally and asked
us if he could go to RR's next program with us. We taught the Word of
Wisdom, which we were a little hesitant on doing especially since we had
just given up smoking not too long ago (and is still doing good with
that). We thought that maybe teaching the Word of Wisdom would be too
much to ask of him in such a short time. RR is a coffee drinker and
loves it, so asking him to give that up to sounded like a lot, but
Sister Layton and I put our trust in Heavenly Father and received the
impression to teach him the Word of Wisdom anyway, and that everything
would be fine. Turns out that our impression was right (not a big
surprise, right?). We went in and taught the Word of Wisdom and RR just
accepted it. A part of me was super surprised that he accepted it so
willingly, but the other part of me was like, "this doesn't surprise me
at all, RR is and has been ready to accept this gospel and everything
within it from day one." The lesson just went super well and we talked
to him about drinking coffee afterwards these are his words exactly: "I
won't be able to quite under a day, or maybe even a week, but with time I
will quit drinking coffee. If I quit smoking in under a week with the
Sister's help, I can quit coffee." Ugh! Can RR be anymore great?! Let me
answer that for you...no! I think I already mentioned that during his
non-smoking program week we called him every week to ask him how he was
doing and such. Now he calls us! Not every night but every once in a
while, he'll call and say "Hi Sisters, I just wanted to know how you
guys were doing. How your day was? Can I do anything to help you?" Too
sweeet of him, right? Anyway, that's the story with RR. Just being great
as usual! Oh, and the last couple of times he's been at church he has
stayed for all three meetings! Which is awesome!
was just an interesting day. We started off the morning by going to
Sport Nap, where we usually play soccer. I consider myself pretty
sporty, but when it comes to soccer, I'm pretty much useless. Actually I
really enjoy playing goalie when I play, because my hand-eye
coordination is a lot better than my foot-to-ball coordination although I
usually use my hand-eye coordination in basketball, sometimes I put it
to work in soccer. Anways, Sister Layton and I get to sport nap and we
just went HAM on the playground equiptment. There is a little kid
playground right by the sport pálya where we play soccer and instead of
playing soccer we played on the playground and just turned into little
kids. It was so fun! The rest of the day we just kind of remained little
kids. I don't know what was up with us, but we were just so loud and
obnoxious that day. Sometimes you just have to have days like that, you
Sunday, cool story time... We went to church on Sunday
and it was really good. The talks we heard were good and all of the
meetings were good. There was an LDS lady from Washington who was in
Szeged because she works for the University of Portland, and she has
some students over here, studying at the University of Szeged, so she
had to do some kind of interview with them. I had to translate for her
but it was good practice for me. She was super nice and she said that
she'd give our English class and church cards out to her students.
Finding through Americans in Hungary. Wooo! RR came to church and so did
TG, but TG always comes to church, he's practically a member, without a
record...yet! Anyways, after church Sister Layton and I went on a river
walk with the Elders. Then we came home to have lunch, after lunch we
went out tracting. We were kind of dreading it, honestly, because he had
four hours of it scheduled.We had gone back to a building that we
started a few weeks ago, but didn't get to finish, we finished that
building with not a lot of success, so we were walking around our
tracting area, wondering where to go. None of us really having the
motivation to do anything. We started just walking in some direction and
all of a sudden this lady stands right in front of us ( I have no clue
where she came from) and says "Szia! Hi!" In surprise I say, "Szia,
hello!" As her response was "Where are you from?" I told her that we
were from America and then asked her how she spoke English so well,
turns out that she just likes English and studied it on her own. Then
she just randomly switched over to Hungarian, which wasn't a big deal,
but we started talking at her bus station and all of a sudden she says,
"here comes my bus" but then she said that she would rather talk to us,
but I told her we could get on the bus with her (who knows where that
would have taken us) and talk to her, but by the time I got my words out
the bus drove away and this lady literally busted a gut as it drove
away. She was like, Oh my gosh, I just missed my bus! There was just
perpetual laughter after this. At first I thought to myself, who is this
lady?? We started talking to her, because, well... her next bus didn't
come for another thirty minutes, so we had time...or rather, she had
time. So we started talking to her, and we got to know her. She is a
very interesting lady, very...outgoing and open, and just a hoot, to be
honest. We didn't even have to suggest to meet with her as she was the
one who was asking for our phone number and asking when we could come
over to her house. We exchanged phone numbers and talked for a while
longer. Let's just say she's super funny and we had a very humorous
conversation. The bus came and we said goodbye, with a program scheduled
already. Wednesday,
which happens to be her name day. Hungarians don't just have birthdays,
but they have name days, everyone has a name day and it's almost as big
of a deal as their birthday. Anways, so later that night we are at
home, making dinner, and we receive a call from an unknown number and
it's CC. That same girl! She's a talker! She asked us what we were doing
today (Monday)
and when we told her that we might go to the Plaza to shop around a
bit, she immediately asked if she could go with us. Haha, oh boy... this
is going to be interesting. Don't get me wrong, she's super nice, but
we might be hearing from her, at least, once a day. We'll see where it
This was pretty much my week, pretty busy, but
it's good. I like it that way. Six more weeks of this transfer! It's
going fast. We're making the best out of it!
Love you all,
Whitaker Nővér
10:31 AM (1 hour ago)
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Monday, April 13, 2015
It's just another day in Paradise here in Szeged.
Well, this week was pretty busy for us, we met with a lot of people.
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Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Janae Whitaker
This past
week was really full.
We got new two new elders with the transfer. They are pretty cool, and we get along really well as a district.
We got new two new elders with the transfer. They are pretty cool, and we get along really well as a district.
It was Easter this past weekend, plus conference. Gotta love
conference weekend. I actually understood a lot more this time, as we watched
every session in Hungarian. I didn't understand all of it, but at least I
understood the main point so that was nice. From what I got out of it, there
were a lot of talk about temples and marriage. I found that interesting. Oh!
I'm glad that three new temples were announced. That's exciting!
I hope you all had a great Easter. Easter is one of the
bigger holidays in Hungary. Let me tell you a little something about Easter in
Hungary. Waay back when, there was a tradition started where guys would go out
with buckets of water and cute poems and they'd go up to a girl and say the poem
and dump the bucket of water on them. Then in return, the girls give them
chocolate or painted eggs. Sometimes the boys even get money from them. Yeah,
all of this was attractive at one time I guess? Anways, to this day they still
carry on this traditon. Hungarians celebrate Easter on Sunday and Monday. Monday
is when the locsolkodás (sprinkling) happens. Although nowadays boys just walk
around with a bottle of perfume in their hand, and have a cute little memorized
poem that they receite. Girls continue to give them chocolate eggs or hand
painted eggs. The handpainted eggs are unbelievably pretty. Sister Layton and I
got sprayed four times. It was so weird, but so cool at the same time. That was
our easter.
Our investigators last week were troopers, given all the
preparations they had to do getting ready for easter. We managed to meet with
the majority of them. I think last week I talked about the person we were doing
the none-smoking program with. The program was successful and to this day, he
hasn't smoked a cigarette! We were so happy for him! It's been awesome to hear
him talk about how he felt, that with God's help, he was able to go a whole
week without smoking, even though he was around his friends who tempted him
with cigarettes. We're so proud of him! Every day that week we called him, to
ask him how he was and how the program was going. Come Saturday and time for us
to end the program, which means no more calling him nightly, we told him it
would be hard for us to not call him every night, although we did give him a
scripture reading calendar so that he can keep up with his scripture reading
every day after giving that to him he immediately bursts out and says, you guys
called me every day last week to see how the program went, I will call you guys
every day this week and tell you how my scripture reading is going, starting tonight.
Sure enough, he called us that night. That moment when your investigator keeps
daily contact with the you, whaaatt? That was like the moment of the week.
Hungarians celebrate Easter on Sunday and Monday, so we were
supposed to work on Monday, we ended up doing a service project with the other
elders and a member who's mom passed away about three months ago. We helped in
helping pack up her apartment. Talk about a lot of things collected over a
period of time. I had never seen so much...well...items in one little
apartment. It was a good service project, although we barely made a dent in
that apartment. We had a good time, and then afterwards we were invited out to
another members house to have an Easter dinner, and that was yummy.
I always say that the week was
packed full, but then I realize how little I write, I'm sorry. I've gotten a
little lazy lately with my blog emails. I'll have to get on those better. The
upcoming weeks, I'll do better.
Love. Peace. Incense (:
Whitaker Nővér
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Okay, funny story about second picture. First of all, can you see our
matching outfits... we didn't plan this, but we walked out and we were
both wearing that bright blue color, so that was cool! (: Anyways, does
one of my eyes look weird, specifically the right one. A few minutes
before this picture was taken my companion and I were walking down the
street and a bug flew into my eye and it wouldn't stop watering for like
an hour. I kept on washing my eye out in the sink and all but it would
just water so one of my eyes has make up on it and the other is just a
mess. It's gross... but that was my day. It was good. haha. Stories of
this missionary life.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
We went tracting the other day and tracted into this really really sweet older lady who let us in. She spoke English fluently because she's an English teacher. We spoke with her for about an hour and then decided it was time to leave, by that time it was raining heavily outside but we didn't have our coats with us so this sweet little néni gave us two spare coats and told us to bring them back whenever we come back next time. Too nice!! We just wanted to take a picture of these classy coats! The next day it was gorgeous
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