Michaela Janae Whitaker
Oh goodness, so much happened this week. It was a really busy week, we were running to and from everywhere. It was good though, it kept our minds off transfers... not really... but it was still good.
Probably the biggest thing that happened this week is we met with one of our investigators who showed a sincere interest in the gospel since the beginning , and in one of our programs with him he told us that he would like to quit smoking, and that he would "like to be free from this huge burden." The cool thing is that we hadn't even taught nor mentioned the Word of Wisdom yet, but he was ready to stop smoking. As missionaries we have a program to help people stop smoking, there are fifteen steps in this program and we talk to them about these fifteen neccessary steps to do everyday and if they do them everyday successfully they can become a non-smoker in a week. We started last Saturday and he agreed to do the fifteen steps. As missionaries we've been emphasizing the importance of daily contact, so we have been calling every night plus visiting him literally every other day to see how he's doing and he's doing super good! PLUS, he came to church on Sunday, like he said he would! We asked him how the program was going and he said that he had wanted to smoke many times but that he said a prayer and did the neccesary steps when he feels such an urge to smoke and he didn't smoke a cigarette! We are soo proud of him!! Sister Layton and I decided to give up something as well, to help our investigator to have friend support. Sister Layton gave up pékség and I gave up chewing gum. It's a good week.
This week is transfer week, I guess that's a pretty big thing. My companion and I are staying in Szeged! We're super happy about that. We're getting two new elders here in Szeged that will be exciting too. Our week is pretty full.
Oh and my companion and I, we got two new baptism dates this past week so that's exciting. They will be in May and we are super excited for it. It's so cool to see people progress from the very first program with them to extending a bap date and them accepting it. Greatest thing ever! We will continue teaching these people and hopefully their progression will keep going forward.
I didn't write too much compared to what happened this week, but this next week will be good and hopefully I'll have more good news to write next week.
Thanks for everything
Love you all
Whitaker Nővér

Dear Sister Whitaker, You are hearby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Hungary Budapest Mission. It is anticipated that you will serve for a period of 18 months. You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, March 19, 2014. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Hungarian language.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
This week in a nutshell: Pretty dang good.
more week and then there's a transfer, all of us are trying to work as
hard as we can to leave Szeged better than we found it. Unfortunantly we
will be losing at least two people out of our cute little district. Our
Zone Leader, Elder Neely, will be heading home in ten days, and one of
the elders out of the other elder companionship willl probably end up
bouncing after this transfer. It's kind of sad to think about, but they
are needed somewhere else. My companion and I don't know if we will stay
together, I will most likely stay in Szeged seeing how I just got here
like two weeks ago, but Sister Layton might leave. We hope not though,
we have become best of friends and have helped each other through so
much, it would really suck if we got seperated but we will just see.
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Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Monday, March 16, 2015
The Hungary Budapest Mission is trying a new tracting method. We go into a building (apartment) and leave flyers that say that Sister Whitaker and Sister Layton will be back at a specific time to talk to people about our church and that if the residents who live in that building have time, we'd love to talk to them a few minutes about the church. Well we are supposed to submit a picture of our companionship so we can put it on the flyer so they know what we look like. Here are Sister Layton and I's options. We thought we would bring them cookies and a Book of Mormon. haha.. too funny!
Wow, it's been tooooooo longgggg!!
I'm super sorry for negleting my blog emails the last couple of weeks. It's just been a hectic couple weeks.
think all you know that I was serving in Eger. It was such a great
city. I loved it. My companion and I had a good transfer, even though it
was super short!
Now I'm in Szeged which
is like this craaazy city that's huge. It has a college and there are a
bunch of people from all different countries here. There's always people
to talk to on the streets, no matter what time you're out. I can't
really say much about it because I haven't been here this long, but so
far I really like it!
We had Zone Conference the
other day in Budapest and we the First Councelor of the Area Presidency
come and talk with us and it was really good!! He had a special way of
speaking to us and he kept it alive and interesting. It was a six hour
training but it was super good!!
I will write more next week when I get my Szeged legs on everything here.
Love you guys so much
Whitaker Nővér
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
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