Dear Sister Whitaker, You are hearby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Hungary Budapest Mission. It is anticipated that you will serve for a period of 18 months. You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, March 19, 2014. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Hungarian language.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Oh man, where do I even start this week?! This week has been filled with good programs and great experiences.
guess I could start with our awesome investigators. This week has been
hard on everyone. Literally almost everyone we teach has been sick! It's
been really hard to set up with them because they are all at home
resting in bed, but we did manage to meet witha few people. We actually
ended up getting a few referrals from some people we teach. That's
always the best! Referrals are not an easy thing to obtain, and it's a
big deal if you get one from a church member, let alone an
One of the young boys we teach
brought his friend to our program and his friend was super curious about
what we do, then instead of us answering his questions, our
investigator just went ahead and answered them all for us. It was super
cool to see him explain our purpose as missionaries from an
investigators point of view. We literally didn't say anything but sat
back and listened to him talk about us and his experience with the
missionaries. On top of that, this boy is just a super smart kid and he
clearly knows why we're here! We are meeting with both of them today and
we are SO excited. It will be good!!
We meet
with another girl weekly, and her twin is actually being taught by the
missionaries in Miskolc. Their parents don't know that they're being
taught by the missionaries, but they both want to get baptized. Her
sister actually already has a bap. date so we hope that we can give her
one. Although when we met with her last week she told us about her
"bucket list" and how there are things on there that she needs to do
before she would get baptized. Interesting, right? Bucket lists...they
get you every time. We will definitely be helping her with that, lépésre
lépésről (step by step).
We went to another basketball game, with the same group of people this week. It was super fun.
actually went to a members house this past week, we've been helping her
with her family history work. Her sons and husband are inactive, but
they have been there the past two times when we have gone over so we've
had a good opportunity to talk to them. The husband asked me if I played
any sports and I told him that I really enjoy basketball. Turns out he
loves basketball too and he knows the players on the Eger basketball
team. He said that he could look up when the Eger basketball team plays
and that we could go to a game sometime. Uhh, YES! Don't have to ask me
twice! I'm super excited for that.
But on another note, I
didn't know how unfamiliar I am with Family History untill the Family
History Consultant of the branch asked me to help her with her family
history. I wish I would have asked my parents about Family History a lot
more before my mission because It's super hard to teach someone who
probably already knows more than me in Family History, about family
History...if you know what I mean. My advice to all you: Do family
Last note on investigators, we met
with KC. I think I wrote about him in last weeks email. Last week we
asked him to read Alma 32, he came to our program this week and told us
that he wasn't able to read the assigned passage we gave him, then he
pulled out this huge computer programming book and he was like, "this is
why I didn't read, I have no time." Honestly, I was a little frustrated
because in last program Sister Brady and I both testified how when we
put God's commandments first, he will bless us in all other things. We
ended up reading the chapter with him and he had a lot of good input,
questions and comments. Then at the end we commited him to just read a
single verse each day, and not just pay attention to what he reads, but
specifically pay attention to how his studies go. I can especially
testify to the truth of the message we shared, because it was not easy
in college to balance school work and the things God has commanded us to
do. When our workload is large we have a tendancy to put secoond things
first and push the most important things to the back, at least this is
what I've experienced in my life. We did not beat around the bush or
anything like that, but we were straight up with KC and told him that
we're talking to him like this because we love him, not because we want
to condemn him or scold him but because we want to see him become closer
to Heavenly Father, one verse at a time. It was a really really good
My companion in Székesfehérvár, Sister Sholly was
the person who found KC and they are still really good friends, during
the lesson KC said, "you remind me of a certain person, Sister
Whitaker." I questioned, "who?" and he said Sister Sholly. I told him we
served around each other and we do have a similar personalitly. We
don't sugar coat the things we teach, we are straight and direct with
the people we teach. That's how it's got to be. Do it with love and the
spirit does the rest!
Okayyy, so the rest of this email is just going to be full of random fun crap that we did/ran into this week.
so last P-day my companion and I are walking in the Plaza (mall) and we
see this arcade came (similar to the claw machine that you see in every
Wal-Mart), one of the prizes in the machine were small speakers, which
my companion has been wanting to get since the beginning of the
transfer. We walk over to this machine and put some money it it. You
would have thought we were starting a rap battle in the middle of
Compton. Before we know it there are like ten teenagers/young adults
surrounding us in a circle just watching us play this arcade game. It
was waaaayyy too funny. Sister Brady and I joked around that we are
going to go up to the Plaza again and play the machine, and while one of
us is playing the machine the other one is going to be handing out pass
along cards. But really, we are planning on doing this!
anybody is curious about how well my Hungarian is coming. We received a
call from one of our new converts. I answered the phone and she started
talking about maybe meeting up later in the week. Then she said that
she would be going to her work place to clean and to tidy things up, she
asked us if we would help her so of course we said that we would gladly
help her. Right before her program my companion and I get changed into
reg. clothes (so we could clean) and we get to the branch house, meet up
with her talk for a little bit and then start walking to her work
place. She had a big trash bag filled with stuffed animals (she works at
a hospital for kids), plus she had her bike and backpack so she had her
hands full. We helped her carry some things up there. We get up there
to the entrance of her work place and she turns to us and says "'Thank
you, you guys have a good day" gives us puszi (kisses) and sends us on
our way. I was like, what the...." I thought we were helping her clean
and stuff. Ends up all she wanted us to help her with is just carry the
stuff up to her workpalce, which we were happy to do for her, but we
were just expecting more. Welcome to my life, trying to speak/understand
the language.
Okay, probably the biggest thing that happened this week. Friday
night my companion and I were walking on the street and we see these
people walking towards us. We thought we heard them speak English and as
we got closer, it became apparent that it was definitely English. We
stopped them and turns out that there is the Paraolympic Judo World Cup
going on here in Eger Hungary! How craaaazy is that!?! Anyways so come
to find out, they were Americans, all but one of them are participants
in the paraolympic Judo cup, the other one was the coach. We talked to
them for a while. They told us to come to their matches, but we didn't
know where it was so they told us to just go up to the Hotel where they
were staying and ask the Hotel Receptionist because they had just
arrived Wednesday and they didn't really know where they were either, so that's exactly what we did Saturday.
We walked up to the Hotel and asked the hotel receptionist where this
match was, turns out we got there super late, too late. All the matches
had already ended. We ended up going back to the hotel that night and
trying to find them, just to tell them that we tried going to their
match, but we were late. Long story short, we ended up finally finding
them and talking to them for a good hour and a half. It was SOOO fun! We
planned a dinner appointment with them tonight and Sister Brady and I
are beyond STOKED! They will leave Thursday
so we just thought it would be a good idea to get together with them
one last time. Plus Sister Brady's cousin is serving a mission in the
Chicago area and some of them are from Chicago and have expressed
interest in meeting with the missionaries (even though they are not us
(: ) in Chicago. BOOM, that's how we do missionary work here in Eger!
was my week in a nutshell. Things are just great here, and I LOVE my
mission! I wouldn't trade it for anyyyything! We do work and live it up
at the same time, and it's great.Love you guys!
Whitaker Nővér
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Saturday, February 21, 2015
Friday, February 20, 2015
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Hello Everyone,
email will be pretty short because my companion and I have six programs
today, yes six...on our P-Day, but I'm not complaining because it's an
opportunity to serve our brothers and sisters and hey, that's why we're
out here, no?
This week has been really good, I think I am
getting used to life in a new city, new companion, new branch, in other
words...new everything. Eger is super beautiful and the people here and
really great. I've heard during my mission that people on the east are
more open than the people on the west and now that I'm in the east, I
see what they are saying. I feel like a lot more people are willing to
stop and talk to us. Maybe that's why we got six new investigators that
week. To some missionaries who are serving, who knows in the world, six
new investigators might be average or even a daily goal, but here in
Hungary, it's kind of a big deal.
We've had some pretty good
lessons this week, we meet with a lot of people who are really close to a
bap date. They believe in what we are saying they are just waiting to
receive an answer for themselves, which we believe is not our job, but
through their efforts they can find out for themselves that what we're
saying is true. We can talk to them for hours on hours, but until they
find out for themself the truth, we are just noise to them.
teach a young boy, he is fourteen years old and he is super cool.
Honestly, his story is super close to Joseph Smith's. His family is
religious but none of them belong to the same religion, they have all
joined different churches, well he has been meeting with the
missionaries and they have taught him everything up to the Gospel Of
Jesus Christ, but ever since he has learned about the Book of Mormon he
has had a huge desire to know whether it is true, so hopefully he
receives his answer soon!
I honestly don't know too much
about our other investigators, I've only met with them once or twice and
I don't know too much about how well they're progressing gospel wise,
but I will definitely write more, later about them!!
you all would never believe it, so when I was in Székesfehérvár, we had a
member in the branch that used to be Hare Krisna and he took us to one
of their festivals while I was out there, well my companion and I, here
in Eger stopped a guy on the street the other day, and he said that he
was Hare Krisna and that there would be a festival going on, on Sunday.
He actually lives in Amsterdam but was born here in Eger. He was just
here visiting his family, but he invited us to this festival. The only
problem was that he had to fly back to Amsterdam on Sunday, right before it started so he wouldn't be there. My companion and I, Sunday morning...okay, actually, I should say, I thought Sunday
morning, well if that guy who invited us isn't even going to be there,
why should we go, we won't know anybody. To my surprise, Sunday
morning we get a phone call, from the guy who we met on the street
reminding us that the Hare Krisna festival would be later that day. He
also said that, he had already told all of his friends that we would be
coming and that they'd be expecting us. Oh boy, now I felt like I needed
to go, because they were expecting us, so my companion and I walked to
the address he gave us and we were greeted at the door by people who
spoke almost perfect English. They were super nice and had told us that,
our friend had told them that we would be coming. Again... I want to
emphasize, here are Hare Krisna people, who have never seen us in their
life, but were the sweetest towards us. We weren't even with a friend,
but we just walked up as Mormon Missionaries and they welcomed us in
with loving arms. They were SUPER nice and everyone who spoke English
came up and said hi to us and shook our hands and the people who only
spoke Hungarian still came up to us, not knowing we knew Hungarian, and
would just smile and wave. It was super nice and we felt VERY welcomed.
This is how our church should be! When you see somebody you don't know.
GO SAY HI AND BE NICE!!! I can't even emphasize that enough! It makes a
world of difference!! I promise!! Anyways so they take us to a room
where they are having a "lecture" and we sit in the back. After the
lecture was finished they started to play music and dance. We were
thoroughly enjoying ourselves, all of a sudden a man walks in front of
us, I look at him and he looks at me... in my mind I said, "that guy
looks awfully familiar," and I could tell by the expression on his face
that he was saying the same thing. Come to find out, I met this really
really cool guy, at the Hare Krisna Festival in Székesfehérvár who was
from Miskolc. I talked to him a bit there and he said, well if you're
ever in Miskolc maybe we will see each other (not very likely, Miskolc
is pretty big) and we can meet. Well come to find out, this was the same
guy! I couldn't believe it! Not going to lie, I was probably a little
more excited than I should have been, but I was just like, Woah, what
are the chances of seeing him again?? We exchanged information and
hopefully I can stay in contact with him, even though I might not serve
in Miskolc. It was just a really neat experience to reconnect with him!!
We had another program to be at so we had to leave, but they made sure
we didn't go hungry, they gave us food on our way out and let me tell
you how delicious it was, FINCSI MINCSI! That's like yummy in my tummy
(little kids use it). It was dang good and it was all vegetarian. Haha!!
But yeah, we called the guy we met on the street and he was super happy
we had a good time and just so glad that we went! We definitely were
too! It was so cool!!
Overall, I feel myself well here in Eger (I said that how they say it in Hungarian- I like Eger, in English). It hasn't been too hard of a transition, plus with having the Browns here again, it's just like my greenie transfer, except I can speak a little better (at least, I think...?)
Overall, I feel myself well here in Eger (I said that how they say it in Hungarian- I like Eger, in English). It hasn't been too hard of a transition, plus with having the Browns here again, it's just like my greenie transfer, except I can speak a little better (at least, I think...?)
I hope you guys feel yourselves well...wherever you are! I love you all so much and will talk to you soon!
Sok Szeretettel,
Whitaker Nővér
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Saturday, February 7, 2015
Friday, February 6, 2015
Monday, February 2, 2015
Janae Whitaker
Hello from Eger!
Yeah, I'm not in Székes anymore,
pity on me... No, It's great here in Eger, but my last night in Székes the
branch/some people that we taught and met, threw a goodbye party for me. It was
a lot of fun, we just got together and had a good time. Unfortunantly, I was
not thinking and I didn't get a picture with half the people I wanted to!!
Gosh, I'm still bitter about that, I don't know what I was thinking. Hopefully
I can meet up with those people again and get a picture!
Can I tell you how weird it was to
leave from the Keleti train station again, and not only that, I was heading
east. The whole train ride, which was the longest two and a half hours of my
life ( I was used to the short hour train ride from Székes) I was saying to
myself. I am going the wrong way! I need to be going the opposite direction!!
It just felt really weird the whole time!! We made it though! When we got off
the train I was greeted by Elder Brown. Oh man, it was good to see that man's
face again. I served with the Browns in Sopron, my greenie city, and then they
moved to Eger and now I'm serving with them again. Round two with the Browns.
heeck yeaaa! I'm stoked! Elder Brown took us to our apartment and we dropped my
bags off. Then we headed off to the Browns house to have dinner. Sister Brown
cooks as well as she did in Sopron. The elders and us got together there and
had a good dinner and chat with the Browns.
My companion's name is Sister Brady.
This transfer is her second, so she's pretty fresh in the country. I kind of
have to step it up, because as she speaks really well, she still is gettin the
hang of the Hungarian language so I have to step up and talk a lot and actually
know what these people are saying to me, but it's a good opportunity for me.
The Elders who are serving with us are Elder Waldvogal (he goes home next
transfer) and he received a new greenie and his name is Elder Winegar. They are
both from Utah and are really cool. It will be a good transfer! I have a good
feelin' about it.
Coming into a new area is pretty
weird, because you come in but know nobody. Well... actually, my last companion
was Sister Sholly and before Sister Sholly went to Székes, she was here in Eger
so she knew the majority of the people we are teaching so she filled me in good
before I arrived, but still... for the most part. I don't know any of these
people. I'm sure there won't be a problem getting to know them quickly though..
We got in on Wednesday, had Angol
Óra (English Class) on Thursday. There I met a few people. Then on Friday we
had Játék Est (Game night) there I met even more people. There are a few young
people around here, which is cool. I'm excited to get to meet everyone.
Sunday we had church, I think
attendance was about twenty, including six missionaries. Elder Brown in the
Branch President here. It's safe to say that he has more responsibilities here
in Eger than he did in Sopron but he handles them well, especially for not
being fluent in Hungarian (just like the rest of us) but he does a really great
job. We had a branch fast this last Sunday that as members and missionaries we
can find families and priesthood leaders to teach. It was really cool, because
we all got together Saturday afternoon and started it together and then after
church on Sunday we ended it together with a big "potluck." It was
super cool and I hope it will be successful!.
It's a new week this week, last week
I was sick for most of the time, that was not fun. I spent a lot of the time
trying to rest and recooperate, my poor companion was stuck inside, but this
week we will make it stellar. No doubt about it!
I hope everything is going well for
you all back at home (Especially you Patriot fans--that makes me sick!) I love
you all and wish you the best week.
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