Dear Sister Whitaker, You are hearby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Hungary Budapest Mission. It is anticipated that you will serve for a period of 18 months. You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, March 19, 2014. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Hungarian language.
Friday, December 19, 2014
These are pictures of The Balaton. The largest lake in Hungary. These are actually not super great pictures because we were taking them from a moving train. We went to Siófok which is a city by the Balaton and so we took pictures of it on the way there. Hopefully we can actually make a trip to the Balaton sometime soon and take good pictures from the beach.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
The guy in the middle is a member here in Székesfehérvár. Saturday,
he left Hungary to travel to the United States, he will be working on
the Carnival Cruise Ship ( I don't know where- obviously somewhere in
the ocean). We were sooo excited for him. It's his first time being in
America. He will do so great. He will work for the cruise ship for eight
months and then come back to Hungary for a two month break, then if he
liked it, he will go back for another eight months. He was a super solid
guy, and he will do great things in America!
Monday, December 8, 2014

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cow! Things are so busy! Sorry for last week that I didn't send out a
blog email. I was a little short on time, but everything is good here in
Székesfehérvár! My companion and I are definitely staying busy with our
investigators, while still getting in some finding.
We had a
baptism this last week, it was one of the Elder's investigators, and
he's probably one of the sweetest guys I've met here in Hungary. I kind
of want to put him in my pocket and take him everywhere I go. It was
really neat to go his baptism and feel the special spirit there.
is getting closer and closer and you can definitely tell by walking
down in the belváros here in Székes. There are Christmas booths
everywhere selling Christmas gifts, food, and Hungarian's personal
favorite: hot wine. Yeah, that's popular here. The other day we were
walking in the belváros and there are stages set up everywhere, on one
of the stages there were Hungarian fok dancers. That was really cool to
watch, because I had never seen them, but they were super good and most
of them...actually all of them... were all younger than me. They
definitely had a really good skill.
was a Hungarian Holiday. They call it Saint Nicholas (Mikulás) Day.
It's essentially just a gift-giving day. The night before, children put
their boots in the windowsill and if they were a good they wake up with
chocolate and other treats in their boots. If they were bad, they get
sticks and onions in their boots. Funny, huh? Saturday
night we had a Mikulás Büli as a branch. Elder Whiting was Mikulás and
the other missionaries were well...I'll just let you look at the
pictures and you can see for yourself (: Anyways it was a pretty good
Love you all,
Whitaker Nővér
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Oh man...embarrasing moment of the week. So one of our investigators
took us to this coffee shop (we drink hot chocoate) a couple weeks ago
and there was a guy there who spoke English, and of course we love when
we find people who can speak English. So we went back this week to try
to talk to this guy more about English class. We walk up to the door and
the hours on the door say Nyitás: Szombat 09-02 It was well after 2:00
. Sister Schoor and I looked at each other and we were like, "oh man,
they're not open." But then we pushed on the door and it opened. There
were people in there, and we were wondering if there was a mistake on
the sign or something. So we sit down and the same guy, who we talked to
last week, came around the corner. We asked him if they were open and
he said "of course, we're open. There's people in here, isn't there?" We
told him that we saw the sign on the door and it said that they're only
open until two. He said back to us, "yeah.... that's what it says..."
we kind of just pushed it off to the side because it really wasn't
important, but then after we drank our hot chocolate we told him we
wanted to show him the sign so he follows us to the door and we show him
and say "look, it says until 2:00!" Then he looks at us and says, "Yeah, we're open until 2:00, 2:00 in the morning..." Oh man, did we feel like idiots. Even above that it said that on the weekdays they're open until 24:00.
I always forget that Hungary works on military time. See...like I said
in last weeks email, sometimes I forget that I'm in Hungary. Is that
weird. Anyway, so we kind of made fools out of ourselves with that, but
we talked to him about English Class...hopefully he comes!
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
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week! AKA chaos week! Oh man, I absolutely love transfer week! People
are moving everywhere and it tends to get a little hectic but hey, it's
part of the mission experience!
I am happy to say that I will
be staying in Székesfehérvár! I am super happy about that. It will be
awesome to stay here with my investigators and this wonderful branch! On
the other hand though, I am sad to have to say goodbye to Sister
Schnoor. She, indeed, will be leaving, but the city she is going to is
absolutely stunning. I have been there many times and she will
absolutely love it! I have no doubt that her and her companion will do
great work there! My new companion will be Sister Sholly, who happened
to be Sister Schnoor's companion before me. They talk very often so I
feel like I almost know her through Sister Schnoor but I am way excited
to work with her. Sister Sholly is in the group beneath me, so I will be
going senior. It will definitely make me stretch but I think it will be
good for me. This week has so much in store, I can hardly wait.
far as what's going on in Székes-lands. We had a good week this week.
Our landlord came over and painted our apartment so aside from having
all the windows open, freezing our butts offf, trying not to get high
from the fumes, times in our apartment were fun.
had a really unique experience, and it actually just started out with a
phone call. While we were emailing last week, we got a phone call from
someone who said that they heard that they could receive a DVD about
happiness from us and that he was interested in receiving such a DVD. We
set up a time to meet later in the week, and when we did he ended up
being a super nice man. We first talked to him about what we are doing
here in Hungary and what our calls as "missionaries" mean. We continued
to talk to him about how our church was restored on this earth and how
we believe that we can find happiness in this life. We watched the
"Finding Happiness" video with him, and he really liked it. We were
hoping that we could meet with him again, but at the end of our lesson
he said that he wasn't really interested in meeting again but "maybe we
could get together sometime later and pray together." We were a little
bummed out when he said he didn't want to meet again, because he seemed
to accept everything we taught him.
Then on Sunday
we walk into church and guess who is sitting in the congregation? The
same guy! He stayed for two of the three meetings we had, and he really
like them! The speakers who spoke on Sunday
did SUCH a good job. I couldn't have asked for a better sacrament
meeting to take a first-time investigator to. It was such a good meeting
and I felt the spirit so strong! Sunday evening we got a text from him saying that he would like to meet with us again so we scheduled another meeting Monday
(yesterday). We met with him and it went really well, he asked a lot of
good questions and we had a good chat. At the end Sister Schnoor asked
him if he would be baptized if he knew the church was true and he said
yes. We didn't give him an exact date, but when he said "yes." Sister
Schnoor and I had the widest grins on our faces. We were so happy!. We
scheduled to meet with him again this week, so hopefully we can give him
a more specific date. It's truly a wonderful thing how God puts people
in our path and vise-versa so they have an opportunity to accept this
wonderful gospel.
I'm super grateful for the opportunity
to meet with all the wonderful people here in Székesfehérvár. Everyone
we meet with is super nice and willing to help these two struggling
girls speak Hungarian. Oh goodness. It's so fun because we speak so much
HUNglish in our lessons, especially when people English.
man...embarrasing moment of the week. So one of our investigators took
us to this coffee shop (we drink hot chocoate) a couple weeks ago and
there was a guy there who spoke English, and of course we love when we
find people who can speak English. So we went back this week to try to
talk to this guy more about English class. We walk up to the door and
the hours on the door say Nyitás: Szombat 09-02 It was well after 2:00
. Sister Schoor and I looked at each other and we were like, "oh man,
they're not open." But then we pushed on the door and it opened. There
were people in there, and we were wondering if there was a mistake on
the sign or something. So we sit down and the same guy, who we talked to
last week, came around the corner. We asked him if they were open and
he said "of course, we're open. There's people in here, isn't there?" We
told him that we saw the sign on the door and it said that they're only
open until two. He said back to us, "yeah.... that's what it says..."
we kind of just pushed it off to the side because it really wasn't
important, but then after we drank our hot chocolate we told him we
wanted to show him the sign so he follows us to the door and we show him
and say "look, it says until 2:00!" Then he looks at us and says, "Yeah, we're open until 2:00, 2:00 in the morning..." Oh man, did we feel like idiots. Even above that it said that on the weekdays they're open until 24:00.
I always forget that Hungary works on military time. See...like I said
in last weeks email, sometimes I forget that I'm in Hungary. Is that
weird. Anyway, so we kind of made fools out of ourselves with that, but
we talked to him about English Class...hopefully he comes!
That was just a few things that happend this week. It was a good week to say the least.
I hope everything is well with you all, I love you all so much!
Oh, HAPPY THANKSGIVING and Vigyazz a Fekete Péntekre (becareful on Black Friday--people get pretty vicious).
Szeretlek benneteket,
Whitaker Nővér
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Look who did Transferology (played off of Genealogy), I took all the
missionaries and put them in cities and companionship's according to what
I think will happen. It took forever and they're probably all wrong,
but hey...I tried. Shout out to my trainer Sister Sexton for teaching me
how to do Transferology
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Sziasztok Mindenki!
good in the United States? Not going to lie, sometimes I walk down the
street with Sister Schnoor and we have to stop and say to ourselves,
"woah, we're in Hungary." You'd think that being here for six months
(six months, whaaa??) would be normal but every now and then it still
takes me back that I'm a whole ocean away from my family and friends.
Then I think of the sacrafice that Jesus Christ made for me and these
people in Hungary and I think it's all worth it. Tuesday the sister training leaders (older sisters in the mission) came to Székes and we went on splits. That was a lot of fun. We split up our programs and had a good day. I learned a lot from the STLs. It's always to go on splits with them and see how they do missionary work, because even though missionary work is pretty "standard," it's really not. Everybody has their own way of finding, and teaching. I learn a lot from everyone who I go on splits with and it's always a good time.
Then on Wednesday afternoon, we rode a train back to Budapest with the STLs because we had interviews with President Smith. Interviews were good. During my interview President told me that 70% of the missionaries in the Hungary Budapest Mission came just this year--consequently, there will be some missionaries who will need to fill some important leadership spots maybe more earlier than they had wanted to. Basically, that was just a shout out to me and my companion that we might be going senior this next transfer. Now this is just me making assumptions and I should be smart enough to know that usually when I make assumptions 99.9% of the time they're wrong, but who knows. We will see in ten days! After our interviews we went back to the train station to catch a train back to Székes...well if you remember what happened last time when we tried to get home (we ended up in the wrong town) we were super skeptical about which train we needed to get on and what if the same thing happens as last time and we don't make it back home in time. We bought our ticket and were running around the platforms asking people where this train was (people were definitely starring and laughing at us). We found the train and jumped on, only to find that all the lights were off and that neither Sister Schnoor or I knew this particular layout of a train so then we were definitely sketched out. We jumped off and stood by the train, looking like confused foreigners (woah! we were!). All of a sudden a young guy comes walking towards us and I just thought to myself, "this is the 10th guy we've asked about our train ticket, what's one more..." so I go up to him and ask him if this train will go to Székes. Turns out he was on his way to Székes too and he told us that, "yes, that is indeed the train you need to be on." Schnoor and I hop on the train again thank him for his help. We're about to take our seats and see that this man who had helped us was still walking behind us. We sat down and he asked if he could sit with us. We were super happy that he asked, because we DID NOT want to miss our stop...plus I think he could see the fear on our faces and just wanted to make sure that we got to Székes. Turns out his name is Marcel and he is going to school to be a lawyer, and he goes to Budapest everyday for his job, so he knew the route real good. He also spoke English, probably the best of any Hungarian that I've met so far, so we ended up talking the whole train ride home about well...everything. It was so cool. We were talking just about Hungary and all of a sudden this young guy who was sitting in the room next to us comes over and starts talking to Marcel. Schnoor and I both thought that Marcel knew this guy, who came over and started talking to him about everything we had been talking about for the past twenty minutes (eavesdropper? ha.). This other guy goes and gets his stuff and plopps down right next to me and starts talking with us. He too spoke English and he was also from Székes. His name was Debrenceni, which is actually really funny because here in Hungary if you were born in Debrecen, you call yourself a "Debrenci" so we just thought it was funny that this guy's name was Debrenci. He was quite an interesting character but we still had a good chat. They were both super nice to make sure we got off at the right stop and afterwards they helped us get on the right bus. It was super nice of them, we actually gave both of them English Class flyers and told them if they ever wanted to practice their near-to-perfect english, that we would love to have them at English Class. You really find finding opportunites everywhere. It's pretty amazing. Thursday, (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM! I LOVE YOU!) we had a program with an RC (recent-convert). It was more or less a visiting teaching program but it was super good. This RC has had a lot of struggles in her life and I think she just wanted someone to talk to. She opened up to us a lot and told us about the things that are hard for her and her family right now. It was nice because we were able to share a few scriptures with her that really applied to what she is dealing with right now, and those scriptures brought great peace and comfort to her. Thursday night we had Angol Ora. Angol ora is just a blast, we get to teach people English and teach about the gospel at the same time!
Szeretlek titeket.
Monday, November 10, 2014
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this week was exhausting! Sister Schnoor and I finished the week with
twenty-one programs. It's safe to say that we were running everywhere
this week and I absolutely LOVED it. It made for a long week but meeting
with our investigators and seeing them progress towards baptism makes
it all worth it.
We had really good programs this week, and we
managed to get a few referrals from some of the members and even from
other investigators. One of the recently baptized members suggested that
we start meeting with her boyfriend and we ended up having two really
good programs with him this week. It went really well, and one of them
she was able to be there and give her own testimony of the gospel. I
really could feel the spirit strongly and I hope that her boyfriend will
feel the sweet influence and spirit she brings to our programs. One of
our new investigators that we met last week, while emailing, wanted to
set up with us so we had a program with him at this really rendes
(classy) hot chocolate place. He is pretty much the nicest guy ever, he
speaks english pretty well, but he wants to practice it, as he is trying
to find a better job where he can speak english more so when he learned
that we teach english he was jumping up and down over the opportunity
to meet with us. We meet him in the belváros (downtown) and he says he
would like to invite us out for hot chocolate, we accepted his
invitation and we started walking with him. I'm not joking when I say
this guy must have said hi to twenty people on this ten minute walk to
kaféház. He knows everyone! We get to the coffee house and of course he
knows all the people working there.We had a really good program with
him, and afterwards he asks us if he can do anything to help us and told
us how if we would like sometime he can give us a tour of
Székesfehérvár and tell us all the history of the buildings (sidenote:
Székesfehérvár used to the capital city of Hungary before Budapest).
There is a lot of neat history in this town. He randomly asked us if we
wanted to learn how to folk dance because he knows of a good place to
take folk dancing lessons. We thought that was super funny. All in all,
he was super nice and we set up with him again in the same week. We met
at the branch house on Sunday
and he surprised us and brought us hot chocolate from McDonalds
(mekizni- to go to McDonalds--funny hungarian word). That lesson went
well too. We are excited and we think he has a lot of potential in the
gospel, so cross your fingers!
we had the senior couple from Budapest, the Broadheads, come to Székes
to teach our members, and investigators about family history. We
scheduled it when we have Angol Ora on Thursdays and turns out a lot of
our English Class came to it too and found it really interesting. That
was really neat. They did such a good job and I was surprised at how
intrigued and interested everyone was about it. Afterwards, some people
even went up to the Broadheads and asked them additonal questions about
Family History.
I can't really think of anything else, we just had a crazy busy week with all of our programs and all of them went really well. Tuesday, November 4, 2014
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Hellooooo from Székesfehérvár!
This week was filled with unfortunate events for us...don't worry though, nothing too bad.
first unfortunate event was that we lost Sister Cropper (don't worry,
we know exactly where she's at). Transfers were this week and now she is
serving in Debrecen, which is clear on the other side of the country.
We are no longer in a tri-companionship but now it is just Schnoor Nővér
and me. It was the craziest thing when we lost Sister Cropper, because
both Sister Schnoor and I have been in tri-companionships for a majority
of our missions and at first when it was only us two we would
occasionally turn around, looking for our other companion. Then we
realized, "Oh wait, it's just us now...weird!"This week was filled with unfortunate events for us...don't worry though, nothing too bad.
Can you believe that all of that happened just on Wednesday?
It was a crazy day and it probably wouldn't surprise you if I said that
Sister Schnoor and I had a very good night's sleep that night (:
was a good day, we did our studies in the morning and then we went out
and did some streeting. We passed out English Class flyers and talked to
some people asking them what brought happiness into their lives. It's
always interesting to hear what people say. A lot of people here in
Hungary say their families. I would say that that is the most popular
answer, but I would say that the second most popular answer would be
"pénz," which is money. Hungarians work so hard. I have never seen
people work so hard as the magyarok do. It's sad because for all the
work they do, the salary that they get doesn't seem like enough.
Luckily, I have been able to talk to people not just about money and
it's importance in their life, but also God and the role he plays in
their life. It's been a truly humbling experience for me to talk to
people about God and how they can find him in their lives. Thursday we did a lot of talking to people on the street, it was good.
Thursday night, we had English Class. It was a lot of fun. I made a Jeopardy game. I don't know if I told you all already, but we teach the kezdő English Class, which means their beginners. Although I have to say, our kezdő class is very intelligent. They are very smart and they speak English very well. Anywho, we played the Jeopardy game. Darn, I should have taken a picture of it, because it was a blast and we had a good time. We unfortunately only got through half of the game. I didn't know that it would take so long, but nonetheless it was good. We will probably continue it later this week. After English class we usually have a few people (investigators and members) who stay and we usually talk about a gospel topic. We call it "beszélgetés" which means "conversation." It's really good because it's just an open conversation where we bring up a topic and talk about it for an hour. It's really good.
Thursday night, we had English Class. It was a lot of fun. I made a Jeopardy game. I don't know if I told you all already, but we teach the kezdő English Class, which means their beginners. Although I have to say, our kezdő class is very intelligent. They are very smart and they speak English very well. Anywho, we played the Jeopardy game. Darn, I should have taken a picture of it, because it was a blast and we had a good time. We unfortunately only got through half of the game. I didn't know that it would take so long, but nonetheless it was good. We will probably continue it later this week. After English class we usually have a few people (investigators and members) who stay and we usually talk about a gospel topic. We call it "beszélgetés" which means "conversation." It's really good because it's just an open conversation where we bring up a topic and talk about it for an hour. It's really good.
was Halloween. It's kind of weird, because Hungary doesn't celebrate
Halloween. Nonetheless the branch threw a Halloween party and we went
for a while. It was a blast. Almost sixty people were in attendance
which is a record for this branch. Mostly it was kids, but there were
some adults there too. The costumes were good. We had ghosts, zombies,
angels, vampires, witches, etc. We played a lot of games and had a good
time together.
Many of you were wondering if Hungarians
celebrate Halloween. Hungarians don't celebrate Halloween, instead they
have "halottak napjat," which translates into " The day of the dead," or
the "Day of remembrance." It's a sentimental kind of holiday that lasts
two days November 1st and 2nd. Basically, the Hungarians buy tons and
tons of flowers, candles, decorations, etc and they all go to the
cemetaries and put everything they bought on their relatives' graves.
It's pretty much the coolest thing ever. Saturday
night (Nov. 1st) the Elders and us went to one of the cemetaries in
Székes and it was stunning to see, especially when it got dark, because
normally I would be freaked out walking through a cemetary at night but
with all the lights and flowers and candles and such, it was lite up so
bright and you just stood in awe of the beauty of it all. It was so
cool, and I'm kind of bummed that I won't be here next year for it, but I
was only to see it once. So there's an interesting Hungarian Holiday
you can all tell your friends about (;
Sunday was an awesome day. I say that because one of the investigators we teach who has MS and is in a wheelchair came to church on Sunday.
Yeah, that's right. There are no flight of stairs or awkward angles
that can keep her from coming to church. We have great elders and branch
members who helped get Andréa to church. We were so happy to hear that
she wanted to come and that she didn't fear anything but just wanted to
get to church. The whole church experience was really great for her.
Funny story, when the men were passing the sacrament, Andréa leaned over
to Sister Schnoor and asked "Tojás lesz?" which means "Will it be
eggs?" Schoor just snickered and said, "no, it will be bread and water",
and Andréa says "Oh...that's good too." Too funny! Andréa stayed for
all three meetings and everybody was very friendly with her. I was very
impressed. Then at the end of Relief Society (the last meeting), we
scheduled to meet with Andréa and to bring one of the members with us,
so it was definitely a good experience! I was so happy to see her and
the look on her face was just beaming with happiness.
Monday (yesterday) was a bit crazy. The Library is closed the first Monday
of the month so we didn't have too much time to email yesterday, that's
why I am emailing right now. We met with a few people yesterday. With
one of our RCLA's we've been talking about Christlike Attributes with
her, and every week when we meet with her we give her a new Christlike
Attribute to strengthen in her life. We too have been doing it with her,
so far we've done faith and hope, this week it's charity and love. I
love Moroni 7 in the Book of Mormon when it talks about how necessary
faith, hope and charity are together. If you don't have one, you don't
have the others. It's good to develop and then strengthen all three so
that we can have a good relationship with God, and also with each other.
If you think about a relationship, a lot of it is based on
faith(fulness), hope (motivation) and of course love and charity, and
when we don't have one in the relationship, it's hard to have the other
two. I like to think of faith, hope and charity as a tripod, each leg
representing one of the attributes, if we take one of the legs away,
what good is a tripod. It's not. It's good for nothing, but when we have
all three legs or all three attributes we are able to stand and to use
it for the purpose it was made for. We too gain reach our full potential
through faith, hope and charity.
Last night was a bit
crazy, Sister Schnoor and I were just sitting in our apartment getting
ready to plan for the next day and all of a sudden our power goes out.
We were sitting in the dark! Neither of us could find our flashlights so
we were sitting in the dark for a good hour.
It's been a
crazy week, but I wouldn't have traded any of the experiences we went
through this week for anything. It was hard at the time, but now we just
look back at it and laugh our heads off. That's what you have to do out
here. Things get rough, but you just have to make the best of it. I
trust God and know that things happen for a reason, and through
everything we will learn and grow and become stronger and better people.
Don't you ever forget that either.
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